Dep. 2.1 Chemistry Road transport
About 350 million tonnes of hazardous goods are transported in the Federal Republic of Germany every year, predominantly by road. This kind of transport must happen safely. Therefore, all hazardous goods transport by all means of transport in the Federal Republic of Germany are subject to strict legal requirements that must be complied with.
Heidelberg University’s Hazardous Goods Officer is responsible for advice on and review of the transport of hazardous goods. Find important information for the transport of hazardous goods by road below. Please contact the Hazardous Goods Officer in advance of your planning or if you have any queries at:
Tel. 06221-54-16911 oder per Mail an
Transport of hazardous goods via the SERVICE CENTRE (ZNF)
Die Abteilung 1.2 - Hausdienste des ZENTRALBEREICH Neuenheimer Feld, bietet Gefahrguttransporte per LKW an. Geschulte und geprüfte Fahrzeugführer und ein den Vorschriften entsprechend ausgerüsteter und zugelassener LKW stehen hierfür zur Verfügung (11,9 to zulässiges Gesamtgewicht). Bitte beachten Sie neben den gesetzlichen Bestimmungen auch unsere nachfolgendes Anmeldeverfahren:
1. Scheduling a transport appointment with the Dept. Housekeeping Services, phone no. +49 (0)6221-54-16871 and
2.Transport documents by email to housekeeping services and Hazardous Goods Officer
3. Communicating delivery date, quantity, and type of goods to the recipient
4. The Dept. Housekeeping Services will instruct the driver and provide any equipment and accompanying documents
5. The dispatcher will be responsible for providing the goods and transport documents.
6. Relocation of the goods is possible.
Please contact the Hazardous Goods Officer in advance if you have any questions or require clarification:
Hazardous Goods Officer - Gefahrgutbeauftragter ZNF Earl Scheid, Tel. 06221-54-16911
Beispiel Ablaufplan (only german)