Zentralbereich Neuenheimer Feld Packaging, marking, and documentation

Hazardous goods packaging

Hazardous goods enclosures must be resilient and of good quality. Particular attention must be paid to the following items in addition to the general provisions for the packaging of hazardous goods (ADR, chapter 4.1):

  • Packaging must be neither damaged nor dented!
  • No hazardous residues must adhere to the outside of the packaging!
  • Packaging for liquids must never be overfilled!
  • All packaging must be type-tested and coded accordingly!
  • The packaging must be approved for the respective goods! Find substance-specific packaging instructions and special instructions for packaging in columns 4, 8, 9a, and 9b of Table A of Chapter 3.2 ADR.
  • The maximum permitted period of use for plastic packaging is five years or less, depending on the content. The printed plastic clock provides information about the date of manufacture of the plastic packaging.

*Please note: you can access the ADR on Umwelt-Online only via the university-internal network. Links are only available in german.

Marking and labelling of packages

Every package must be clearly marked on the outside (this also applies to uncleaned empty packaging units):

  1. Hazard note in accordance with column 5 table A of chapter 3.2 ADR (packer) 
    Size of the hazard notes at least 100 x 100 mm (unless the package is too small to fit all the required hazard notes on one side)
  2. Labelling “UN” + UN numbers in accordance with column 1 table A of chapter 3.2 ADR (packer),
  3. (U/N) packaging coding (packaging manufacturer).

*Please note: you can access the ADR on Umwelt-Online only via the university-internal network. Links are only available in german.

Marking and labelling of packages

Transport document

The dispatcher must provide a transport document for each transport. The transport document must contain the following information for each substance or article consigned for transport:

  • the “UN“ entry + UN number in accordance with column 1 table A of chapter 3.2 ADR, * official name in accordance with column 2 table A of chapter 3.2 ADR, * number of the hazard note samples in accordance with column 5 table A of chapter 3.2 ADR, * packing group in accordance with column 4 table A of chapter 3.2 ADR, * tunnel category in accordance with column 15 table A of chapter 3.2 ADR,
  • Number and description of packages,
  • Total quantity of goods with different UN numbers,
  • Name and address of the dispatcher,
  • Name and address of the recipient,
  • if necessary, additional endorsements (see transport document).

*Please note: you can access the ADR on Umwelt-Online only via the university-internal network. Links are only available in german.

Transport document (german version)

Written instructions

The driver must receive “written instructions” on conduct in the event of accidents or incidents that may occur during transport. 

The driver is obligated to take note of the content of the written instructions before starting the trip. The dispatcher is responsible for the content of the instructions, thus also determining the part of the protective equipment to be carried by the driver, which must be provided by the carrier.

Written instructions download (german version)