
Lab supplies on site and online

The central warehouse supplies the facilities of Heidelberg University and the University Hospital with chemicals, lab accessories, and materials for daily use. Further items can be ordered via special orders. Selected suppliers are available for this purpose. You can make your purchases easily via our payment system using the ZNF customer card – either directly in the ZNF shop or via the online shop Central Warehouse on the PC at your workspace.

ZNF-Shop online system is available again.

ZNF-Shop online

Opening hours

Central warehouse 

INF 367 / UG, Raum U23
8.30 - 12.00 a.m.
Tel. 06221-54-16841/16842

Nitrogen output

INF 367 / UG, Raum U8
8.30 - 10.30 a.m.
Tel. 06221-54-16843

Gas cylinder issue

INF 347a / UG, EG
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
11.00 - 12.00 a.m.
Tel. 06221-54-16844

Central warehouse purchase vouchers

You may also use your ZNF customer card to purchase daily quantities of nitrogen and ethanol from our department in addition to a large selection of standard gases. Special orders can be placed as well. Please use the following forms and send them completed by email to zentrallager@znf.uni-heidelberg.de