Zentralbereich Neuenheimer Feld Legal provisions, responsibilities, and exemptions

Hazardous Goods Ordinance Road/Rail/Inland Waterways (Gefahrgutverordnung Straße/Eisenbahn/Binnenschiff; GGVSEB)

The Ordinance on the National and International Carriage of Hazardous Goods GGVSEB (Hazardous Goods Ordinance for Road, Rail, and Inland Waterways) regulates the national transport of hazardous goods by road, rail, and inland waterways. The obligations of the persons responsible are also listed here.

  • §1 Scope of application
  • §2 Definitions (e.g., definitions: Dispatcher, transporter, recipient, loader, packer, company, filler, hazardous goods, vehicles)
  • §3 Approval for transport
  • §4 General safety obligations (targeted at all persons involved in the transport of hazardous goods)
  • §5 Exceptions
  • §6 to §16, Responsibilities
  • §17 to §34, Obligations (dispatcher, transporter, recipient, loader, packer, filler, driver, and other responsible persons)
  • §35 Transport route and relocation in road traffic
  • §37 Administrative offences
  • §38 Transition provisions

European Agreement (ADR)

The European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Hazardous Goods by Road (ADR – Accord européen relatif au transport international des marchandises Dangereuses par Route) contains all provisions imposed for international and national transport with regard to vehicles, packaging, load securing, classification, and marking of hazardous goods. The obligations of the persons responsible are listed in chapter 1.4 of the ADR.


Exemption or partial exemption from the hazardous goods regulations is possible in the following cases:

  1. General exemptions
    - Transport by private individuals ( ADR).
    - Transport of gases ( ADR).
    - Transport of fuels ( ADR).
    - Transport of uncleaned empty packaging ( ADR).
  2. Hazardous goods packed in limited quantities (Limited Quantities, 3.4 ADR)
    Quantity limit per inner packaging and package.
  3. Hazardous goods packed in excepted quantities (Excepted Quantities, 3.5 ADR)
    Quantity limit per inner packaging and package.
  4. Exemptions in connection with quantities transported per transport unit. Quantity limit per vehicle ( ADR).
  5. Product- or packaging-specific exemptions
    Transport of biological substances of category B.
  6. Exemptions due to particular exception rules (GGAV)
    - Exemption from the transport document (exception no. 18 GGAV). 
    - Transport of packaged hazardous waste (exception no. 20 GGAV).

*Please note: you can access the ADR on Umwelt-Online only via the university-internal network.

Links are only available in german.