ZENTRALBEREICH Neuenheimer Feld Notes and hazard notes

Please note the following information on the correct marking and notes on hazardous goods. Every package must be marked in accordance with the specifications on the outside to make it clear that a consignment comprises hazardous goods.

Notes on and marking of packages

The following markings must always be attached to packages:

  • Hazard note (the packer is responsible for this)
  • UN number (the packer is responsible for this)
  • Packaging coding (this must be applied by the manufacturer of the packaging)

Hazard notes indicate the dangers posed by the hazardous goods. The respective hazard note required by ADR must be used. If a package contains hazardous goods with multiple hazardous properties, e.g., “toxic” and also “flammable”, a hazard note for the additional hazard “flammable” must be attached as well.

Hazard notes must be at least 100 x 100 mm large. If the package is too small to affix all the required hazard notes on one side, smaller hazard notes may be attached as well.
The provisions on notes shall also apply to uncleaned empty packaging units. The provisions on notes can be found under subsection ADR, Provisions on notes.
Unless otherwise specified in the ADR, each package must be clearly and permanently applied with the UN numbers of all goods contained in it. The UN number must be preceded by the capital letters “UN” (e.g., “UN 1230”). 
The packaging code provides information on whether the packaging is tested and authorised hazardous goods packaging. Not all approved packaging is permitted for all types of goods. For information on this, see the packaging approval certificate.  
Not all approved packaging is permitted for all types of goods. For information on this, see the packaging approval certificate. Information on packaging coding can be found under Section 6.1.3 ADR, marking

All required markings must be clearly visible and legible and must withstand the weather without relevant impairment of its effect.

*Please note: you can access the ADR on Umwelt-Online only via the university-internal network. Links are only available in german.

Downloads hazard notes (only german Version available)

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