Zentralbereich Neuenheimer Feld Hazardous goods assignment
When am I dealing with hazardous goods?
The term of “hazardous goods” is defined in §2 of the Hazardous Goods Transport Act (Gefahrgutbeförderungsgesetz; GGBefG). It is not always clear whether the material to be transported constitutes hazardous goods or not. Information about this can often be found on the label of a container or on its packaging (information such as the hazard note and UN number of the substance).
Hazardous goods packaging must always be applied with a UN packaging code (e.g., UN 3H1/X/... or UN 4G/Y/... or similar). This may also indicate a hazardous good. Entries in the relevant delivery note, transport document, or the current safety data sheet may provide further useful information. The same applies to the many chemical catalogues.
Please contact the Hazardous Goods Officer if in doubt:
Phone no. +49 (0)6221-54-16911 or email them at gefahrgutbeauftragter@znf.uni-heidelberg.de
*Please note: you can access the ADR on Umwelt-Online only via the university-internal network. Links are only available in german.
Alphabetisches Verzeichnis der gefährlichen Güter
Chapter 3.2 of the ADR contains the list of hazardous goods (Table A). This will provide the user with all special provisions that must be observed for the respective substance. The general regulations from the other parts and chapters of the ADR apply in addition to these provisions, of course.
*Please note: you can access the ADR on Umwelt-Online only via the university-internal network. Links are only available in german.