Zentralbereich Neuenheimer Feld Labels and packaging

Hazardous substances must be packed in packages/canisters intended for this purpose and marked in compliance with the law. Please always bring a completed consignment note (see consignment notes and forms) to our collection points. All damaged or undeclared packages are excluded from acceptance!

Label for printing


Disposal containers for hazardous waste

Hazardous waste must be collected by the waste producer in the disposal containers provided by Department 2.1 Chemistry and submitted at the collection points. The following packages are available at our collection point:

  • 5-litre plastic canister (inspected): For all flammable halogen-free or halogen-containing liquids and their mixtures.
  • 12-litre plastic canister (inspected): For all aqueous non-flammable liquids and their mixtures.
  • 30-litre clamping ring neck drums (inspected): For all solid hazardous waste.
  • 60-litre clamping ring neck drums (inspected): For all solid hazardous waste.
5-litre plastic canister
12-litre plastic canister
30-litre clamping ring neck drums
60-litre clamping ring neck drums

Labels for labeling in the laboratory

Laboratory safety

Safe handling of hazardous substances