ZENTRALBEREICH Neuenheimer Feld Solvent recycling/upgrade

The department Chemistry also offers solvent recycling and solvent upgrading in addition to the disposal of hazardous waste. It is very important that the chemicals are marked and packaged correctly right from the start of their use in the lab so that we can process solvents. Please also refer to the internal information and instructions provided by the department Safety of Heidelberg University.

It is very important that the chemicals are marked and packaged correctly right from the start of their use in the lab so that we can process solvents. Please also refer to the internal information and instructions provided by the department Safety of Heidelberg University.

Solvent recycling

Solvents that have to be collected by type and are only slightly contaminated (purity > 90%) may be purified by distillation and then reused. This recovery procedure saves purchasing and disposal costs. The quality of the recycled solvents is naturally dependent on the contaminating accompanying substances and their separability by distillation. We run distillation plants of various sizes available for processing at the INF 269 central interim storage facility. Please ensure that the respective hazardous substances are correctly marked and packaged so that they can be processed at a later time.

Solvent upgrade

We also offer solvent upgrades to our customers. This process comprises conversion of a solvent of technical quality into a solvent of high quality by distillation (refinement). This frequently avoids the purchase of expensive solvents with p.a. quality. Solvents of technical quality are often considerably cheaper or are even made available to the university by way of donations. Please ensure that the respective hazardous substances are correctly marked and packaged so that they can be processed at a later time.

Waste prevention and marking

Disposal of hazardous waste incurs costs and also pollutes the environment. Therefore, pay special attention to avoiding unnecessary amounts of waste. This can start when buying chemicals already, by striving to procure no more than the necessary amount of a substance, which may already be available in the lab or at our internal chemicals exchange. Also do not unnecessarily dilute your waste or mix it with other waste that would otherwise not have been hazardous waste. Collecting solvents by type frequently permits recycling, which is unfortunately no longer possible with solvent mixtures. Destroying small quantities in the lab is another way of avoiding waste if the hazardous substance can be rendered harmless by neutralisation, for example.

Further useful information on the marking and labelling of hazardous substances can also be found on the information page of the department Safety of Heidelberg University.

Opening hours collection point

Opening hours collection point INF 269 / Ground Floor

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 
11.00 - 11.30 a.m

Opening hours collection point INF 367 / Basement room 102

 1.30 - 2.30 p.m.
10.00 - 11.00 a.m.

Labels and packaging

Labels and packaging

Instructions and information on the correct labeling and packaging of hazardous substances