ZENTRALBEREICH Neuenheimer Feld Lab multi-use building biosciences
Since it was built in 2012, the lab multi-use building for biosciences of Heidelberg University has been supervised by the department Biotechnology. The building’s core area comprises of areas that can be flexibly allocated to experimental research groups of different sizes as required.
Our team has been supervising the technical infrastructure, taking care of the basic lab equipment and the standard equipment since the building was put into operation. Our portfolio comprises access control, communal use of areas and standard equipment, as well as the solution of minor and major technical problems. This makes us your contact on site. We will accompany any structural adaptation work, guide you through our organisational structure, and coordinate the coexistence of different user groups in the building with all their different requirements and needs from planning of the allocated lab space onwards.
Information and queries
You can find your contact for “Lab supervision” on site in office room 023 on the building’s ground floor. Our caretaker from the housekeeping services of the SERVICE CENTRE Neuenheimer Feld also has her base here. Our “Lab service scullery” contact, who will take care of the professional preparation of your glassware, consumables, and media, can be found in the central scullery in the building’s basement.
Please contact us by phone if you need any further information or have any queries
+49 6221 54-16921 / 39189* oder per Mail an cordula.ackermann@znf.uni-heidelberg.de
Please note that you will need to submit a valid ZNF customer card for performance of your order. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions.
(*DECT number of university devices pre-dial the cross-connection 114)