ZENTRALBEREICH Neuenheimer Feld L3/ S3 lab

Central biological safety lab L3/ S3

The department Biotechnology is responsible for management of operations of the central biological safety lab L3/ S3 with its total area of nearly 400 sqm.

We perform supervisory functions in accordance with the legal requirements of the German Genetic Engineering Act (Gentechnikgesetz; GenTG) and the German act on the prevention and control of infectious diseases (Infektionsschutzgesetz, IfSG) in addition to maintaining and coordinating lab operations. We also perform advisory functions with regard to safety-related issues and support those involved in defining and monitoring the effectiveness of the protective measures applied. New L3/ S3 work can only be included following approval by the Biological Safety Committee (Ausschuss für die Biologische Sicherheit; ABS) of Heidelberg University. We will be happy to help you in opening a corresponding procedure with the ABS.

Information and queries

If necessary, contact us at  +49 6221 54-16920 / 32372* or  artur.kaul@znf.uni-heidelberg.de 
Information on the permits required by authorities will be provided by the Biological Safety Officer (Beauftragter für Biologische Sicherheit; BS) of Heidelberg University.
(*DECT number of university devices pre-dial the cross-connection 114)