ZENTRALBEREICH Neuenheimer Feld Freezer room back-up service and parking spaces

The SERVICE CENTRE Neuenheimer Feld has more than 180 parking spaces with control centre connections for research groups and departments in the Theoretikum in five centrally located freezer rooms. Back-up cooling options for +4 °C, -20 °C and -70 °C are available as well for emergency storage and defrosting of your cooling appliances in various buildings.

The organisation, processing of submitted applications, coordination of technical measures, and a “reminder service” to update your storage organisation and emergency call lists are part of the responsibilities of the department Biotechnology as well. Additional information is available on request at cordula.ackermann@znf.uni-heidelberg.de

Back-up service (temporary)

Your cooling unit is defective and you need a temporary relocation option? Our back-up service is available to research groups and departments of the Theoretikum with a valid, up-to-date ZNF customer card. Additional information is available on request at cordula.ackermann@znf.uni-heidelberg.de
(Telephone number for urgent usage requests +49 6221 56-39189)

Parking spaces

Do you need a parking space while using research areas in the Theoretikum, and do you have a valid, up-to-date customer card of the ZNF? Additional information is available on request at cordula.ackermann@znf.uni-heidelberg.de

Since our capacities are currently exhausted, we are, unfortunately, unable to allocate any new parking spaces at the moment!

Applications and queries

For applications and queries, you can contact us at +49 6221 54-16921 / 56-39189* orl cordula.ackermann@znf.uni-heidelberg.de
Please note that you will need to submit a valid ZNF customer card for performance of your order. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions. 

(*DECT number of university devices pre-dial the cross-connection 114)