Zentralbereich Neuenheimer Feld Consignment notes and forms

Notices on acceptance of chemical waste

  1. A valid ZNF customer card for the Service Centre Neuenheimer Feld (ZNF) must be presented at the time of collection. 
  2. Chemicals must only be disposed of in the containers (canisters, bins) provided for this purpose. Appropriate disposal containers are available at the collection points of the Dept. Chemistry. 
  3. A fully completed consignment note (see below) must be submitted with each package
  4. Laboratory chemicals in original packaging (ASN: 59302, 59303) will be issued with a special consignment note (see below).
  5. The waste containers must be properly labelled (Hazardous Substances Ordinance, TRGS 201: Marking of waste). Undeclared waste cannot be disposed of or transported.
  6. The waste containers must only be filled to a filling level of 90%. They must not be externally contaminated.
  7. Infectious and radioactive waste must not be submitted to us. Please contact the relevant disposal centres (Dept. 2.2 Biotechnology and Dept. 2.3 Radiation protection) about this

Please call 06221-54-16915 (INF 269) or 06221-54-16945 (INF 367) for allocation of further chemicals or to arrange special appointments.